The superstores and the consumer product giants (like Kimberly-Clark the manufacturer of the Depend line of incontinence products) have this longtime understanding: the manufacturers will spend heavily on advertising to drive awareness and traffic to the mass retailer(s). The manufacturers will also make huge financial investments in slotting fees co-op advertising and stocking fees for prime location across a network of thousands of stores. In general this works all to the good of the consumer: decent products at decent prices with ready availability across many doors. But in the ever-expanding world of incontinence and the power of the internet you can pair manufacturers like Principle Business Enterprises &mdash the makers of Tranquility Select and with Parentgiving buying power and supply chain to provide a better mousetrap.
Where the Mass incontinence brands invest heavily in advertising their products can fall a little short in construction quality and overall absorbency. On the other end of the spectrum incontinence products sold into institutional settings (nursing homes assisted living facilities) are notoriously cheaply made. Principle Business Enterprises and their Tranquility flagship brand have taken another path to invest in making great product with lots of absorbency material and to pursue distribution outside of both the institutional and mass channels.
Tranquility Premium Overnight and Tranquility ATN (All-thru-the-night) are some of our most popular products because they are ideal for family caregivers who recognize that super absorbent products require less changes and can still prevent incontinence associated skincare breakdown says David Spain CEO of Parentgiving. Ive toured the factory where Tranquility products are made and they do an outstanding job in their manufacturing processes and lab testing says Spain. He goes on to say What is not to like? An American made product (the Tranquility manufacturing facility is located in Dunbridge OH) made with fanatical quality control offering greater value and convenience and targeted squarely to consumers aging in place. The Tranquility absorbency polymer is a proprietary formula and they sandwich A LOT of it into their briefs &mdash Ive personally tried the Tranquility ATN product as a test AND even tested putting the Tranquility polymer in my mouth. The polymer in the mouth incident was in response to The Honest Companys claim about their diapers being safe for ingestion. The Polymer immediately expanded and a small amount of polymer bead soon grew to a chunk of polymer goo in my mouth &mdash not my best effort to maintain composure says Spain but it proved a point.
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