Rollators (also referred to as “wheeled walkers” or “rolling walkers” or "walkers with wheels") are walking aids constructed with an aluminum or steel metal frame and three or four large wheels to accommodate uneven surfaces such as curbs, walkways, or transitional areas indoors. Rollators are a step-up from indoor walkers and allow users to travel farther with greater flexibility than traditional indoor walkers.
Rollators are great for travelling, with most popular models having a fold-down seat with an attachable bag. The fold-down seat provides temporary relief for the user to sit down, and also allows for a companion to push the rollator much like a transport chair. The bag under a rollator seat is a great place for storage or personal items. Many of our best-selling rollators fold up for storage in the trunk of a car, in an airplane overhead bin, or in a closet. Rollators come in a variety of sizes and shapes and it is critical to fit the rollator to the specific size of the user and the weight capacity of the user (petite, tall, plus size, etc).
Tips for choosing the best rollator for your specific needs: If transporting a rollator in a car is the norm (for trips to go shopping, to church, etal) then choose a lightweight rollator with an aluminum frame as these rollators are easier to lift in and out of the trunk of a car. Our recommended lightweight rollators can be found here
If a rollator is primarily used outside to navigate curbs, walkways, and urban environments, then go with a larger wheel diameter to avoid getting the wheels stuck and to enjoy less friction in transitional surfaces. Our recommended outdoor rollators can be found here
If a rollator is primarily used indoors and in tighter quarters (assisted living room, small apartment, small house), then go with a narrower rollator for ease of navigation in tight spaces. There is a trade-off in stability with a narrow rollator, but we find users like the narrow fit versus banging into objects in tight quarters. Our recommended narrow rollators can be found here
Many assisted living facilities will mandate a rollator for transportation from a residents room to a dining hall and vice-versa.
We carry the best rollators and accessories from the best brands such as Lumex, Drive, Medline, Graham Field, Nova, and Stander. And as an authorized dealer – you can rest assure that our products are all backed by a manufacturer’s warranty.
For the best advice on what rollator to choose, and to ensure a proper fit, we encourage you to call Parentgiving at 1-888-746-2107
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