Portable Oximeters
3 products
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 products

BodyMed Fingertip Pulse Oximeter

Proactive Medical Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Products Battery Operated

Drive Fingertip Pulse Oximeter
Choosing the Best Finger Oximeters
If you have serious cardiac or respiratory conditions like asthma or a lung condition like COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease you may need to use a pulse oximeter to monitor your oxygen levels&mdashinsufficient oxygen in your blood can be dangerous and sometimes fatal.
A fingertip pulse oximeter is a very convenient and easy to use medical device that measures the oxygen saturation in your hemoglobin a measurement called SpO2 as well as your pulse rate. A fingertip is an ideal spot for many reasons&mdashit is easily accessible and is a spot with excellent blood flow for better results. A finger oximeter unit will often measure less than 2&rdquo by 2&rdquo by 2&rdquo so you can use it&mdashand take it&mdashanywhere. The latest models feature streamlined designs some in bright colors.
A fingertip oximeter uses both red and infrared light to detect oxygen levels in your blood non-invasively. Readings are instantly calculated and appear on the unit&rsquos LED or LCD screen for you to see and record if needed.
Here are other features to look for:
- Strong visibility in low-light conditions
- A large backlit display with easy-to-read numbers
- A low-battery indicator to alert you when a change is needed
- An automatic shut-off to extend battery life
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