Pet Ownership Reduces Stress, Benefits Health

Mental Health

Call it what you will – pet therapy, pet-assisted therapy, or pets caring for elderly owners – the benefits of animal ownership for seniors have been documented and understood for decades. Pets help relieve stress, alleviate boredom and provide devotion and companionship for elders across the country.

Keeping Elderly Parents Engaged and Happy: Quality of Life Issues

Fitness & Mobility

Quality of life means living a well-rounded lifestyle. It means social interaction and physical activity that help maintain independence. Whether the parent lives in an assisted living facility or at home with the help of home health care workers, he or she needs enough mental, physical, and emotional stimulation to remain engaged in the process of living.

Nutritional Needs for Seniors

Nutrition & Diet

As people age, their bodies naturally begin to break down and need more nutrients than ever before. Find out what you can do about enhancing nutritional needs in seniors.

Enhancing Intimacy

Personal Care

In our excerpt of Dr. Barry McCarthy's landmark book, Rekindling Desire, every couple can find ways to bring sexual and emotional intimacy back into their relationship.

Back Safety: Avoiding Pain in Your Own Backyard

Fitness & Mobility

Caring for a loved one’s landscape doesn’t have to mean aches and pains for you.

Alcohol Drinking Among People Over 65

Nutrition & Diet

“Moderate drinking” over 65 is not the same as it is younger in life. Here’s how to find your tipping point. 

The Facts On Baby Boomers & Hearing Loss

The Facts On Baby Boomers & Hearing Loss

Personal Care

Baby boomers are losing their hearing at a more rapid pace than past generations, but fail to seek the help they need to alleviate the affects of hearing loss. 

Brain Fitness Technology For Seniors

Mental Health

Retirement communities now emphasize brain health to improve quality of life. At Front Porch, life isn’t spent in a rocking chair. 

Healthy Aging: How Volunteering Helps

Fitness & Mobility

The prospect of healthy aging is what we strive for as we get older. But we often think of it as a lottery—having to play the cards that we’ve been dealt.

5 Steps To Save Your Brain

Mental Health

An unfortunate reality is that unhealthy lifestyles lead to diseases like obesity, diabetes, and brain-related health problems, all of which increase the risk of stroke, dementia, and Alzheimer’s as well. The good news is that these conditions can be managed and even prevented by a healthy lifestyle.

Voice Therapy: More Focused Approach To Regaining Your Voice

Personal Care

Voice therapy is a program of exercises intended to bring the voice back to a level of adequacy that can satisfy your occupational, emotional and social needs. Physical and vocal exercises are involved along with adjustments in vocal hygiene and related behavior.

Occupation Therapy: Relearning Activities Of Daily Living

Occupation Therapy: Relearning Activities Of Daily Living

Fitness & Mobility

Injury, disability, or diseases are among the factors that can affect the ability to carry out activities of daily living (ADLs). Stroke, for example, is the number one cause of disability among American adults.