Mobility and Safety
Universal Design: A Growing Trend In Homes
Universal design refers to architectural techniques used to design and build homes that accommodate all lifestyle requirements, young and old.
Helping Seniors Get Connected Through Technology
The Premier Guide to Mobility Scooters
Lift Chairs and Medicare Coverage - Parent Giving
Lift Chairs for Seniors: Should You Buy One? - Parent Giving
No More Missed Meds
Despite all the emphasis on the need for reform to our medical system and the fears seniors have about changes to their Medicare coverage, many Americans are unaware of one of the greatest threats to the wellbeing of the elderly: missed doses of prescription drugs. According to some researchers, only one third of seniors may be taking their medications as prescribed and another third may not be taking them at all, with the final third not taking them correctly. Often called the world's “other drug problem", non-adherence to medication directives accounts for more than 10 percent of older adult hospital admissions and one out of four nursing home admissions.
Bedwetting Alarms Can Help Improve Urinary Continence
Nocturnal enuresis (NE), more commonly known as bedwetting, is the involuntary voiding of urine during sleep. When we think of bedwetting, we think of it as a condition mainly confined to children. It is true that that's the group more often associated with nocturnal enuresis; but, as we age bedwetting once again can be a problem for elderly adults. According to Journal Age and Aging, 2.4% of older people 75 years of age or older living at home have nocturnal enuresis.
Helping Older Adults with Mobility Problems
Preventing Bedsores and Pressure Sensitive Ulcerations
Bedsores can be a serous problem for bed-ridden or wheelchair-bound persons. Bedsores are better described as pressure sores or pressure sensitive ulcers. A pressure sore is the result of an injury to the skin and the tissue below caused by a constant pressure to the area, as can occur in an elderly person who is in bed or seated most of the time. Bedsores can occur anywhere on the body, but they are most common in boney areas such as the heel, elbow, ankle or hip – and the pressure points on the back, legs, shoulders and buttocks. Pressure sores can be serious, even life threatening. Pressure sores are typically difficult to heal, and in the elderly population made more so due to diabetes and other conditions that affect wound healing. Doctors agree that it is far better to prevent bedsores than to treat them.
Organize Vital Health Records With The Mayo Clinic Health Manager
Nearly one in eight American adults—12 percent of the population—provides care for an aging parent, according to the Pew Research Center. The study also found that about 7 to 10 million American adults are helping manage care for an aging parent from a long distance. The task of managing the health of an aging parent—and even your own health—is made much simpler with Mayo Clinic Health Manager.
Walkers for Seniors: A Better Way to Look at This Independence Device
Far from being a sign of weakness, consider walkers for seniors as a way to stay active and confident. Use these strategies to choose and use the best one for you.