Everything Incontinence

Adult Diaper Banks and Other Free Sources

There’s no question that broken supply chains, inflation, and poverty make it difficult to afford a lot of things these days. Unfortunately, most diaper banks focus on children and toddlers to the exclusion of adult diaper needs. In many areas, adult diaper banks are few and far between, so many low-income adults struggle to find what they need.

Fear not: this quick guide and diaper bank directory will help you or a loved one find the incontinence products you need. First, let’s look at some general resources for free and low-cost diapers.

Diaper bank alternatives

Not all areas have a diaper bank that helps with adult incontinence needs. Luckily, both areas that have banks and those that don’t often have other resources.

  • State-level departments of aging or adult welfare
  • Health departments, local and state
  • Doctor’s offices, home health agencies, and hospitals can frequently make a referral for their patients.
  • Social services agencies, including elder care and overall poverty-focused.
  • Your local senior center.
  • Food banks sometimes carry adult hygiene products, including incontinence supplies.

While these resources are great at finding needed resources, they aren’t dedicated to incontinence supplies. Generally, they’ll find you a source of free adult diapers and give you a referral. Sometimes they run their own diaper bank, but they usually don’t.

Diaper banks by state

With that in mind, the biggest source of free diapers in many areas is a dedicated diaper bank. The Simon Foundation has a list of diaper banks, but the list isn’t always updated because some open and shut occasionally. In addition, it’s sometimes hard to see which banks are in your state. With that in mind, here’s an improved list, organized by state. We’ve also included a contact method if available.





















Featured Image Credit: National Diaper Bank Network, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

- Written By

Sarah Johnson

Aging in Place Expert
Sarah Johnson is an Aging in Place Expert with extensive experience helping seniors remain independent and comfortable in their homes. She has specialized knowledge of how to help elderly individuals stay healthy, safe, and happy as they age. Sarah is passionate about providing quality care for aging adults, allowing them to remain in their homes and enjoy the highest quality of life.